Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is a methodological approach used to explore and understand individuals’ experiences, attitudes, behaviours, and the underlying reasons that govern such behaviours. Focus groups and in-depth interviews are valuable qualitative research methods that provide rich insights into these aspects.

BERENT offers a number of different in-house qualitative research services, including:

  • Focus groups
  • In-depth interviews among consumers (face-to-face / telephone / video or audio conference calls)
  • High-level corporate in-depth interviews (face-to-face / telephone / video or audio conference calls)

Focus Groups

In a focus group, a small, diverse group of participants engages in facilitated discussions, allowing researchers to explore shared perspectives and uncover group dynamics.

BERENT’s focus group techniques are versatile, catering to a range of research needs.

Standard group discussions / focus groups with 8-10 participants    – exploration of a broad range of topics in a group setting.
Virtual/Remote group with 6-8 participants – discussions conducted through virtual platforms, allowing geographically dispersed individuals to come together in a virtual space.
B2B groups – sessions aimed at gathering in-depth feedback, perceptions and opinions to understand the needs, preferences and challenges within the business-to-business context.
Mini groups with 3-5 participants – discussions, allowing for a deeper exploration of individual opinions and experiences.
Family groups (e.g., married couples) – discussions providing unique insights into shared perspectives.
Workshops (full-day and half-day) – designed to foster collaborative discussions, enabling participants to engage deeply with a topic and generate creative ideas.
Pre-tasking groups – formed to gather initial insights or opinions before engaging in the main focus group discussions.

In-depth Interviews

In-depth interviews involve one-on-one interactions between the researcher and the participant, enabling a more personalised exploration of thoughts and experiences. In-depth interviews are particularly valuable for obtaining detailed narratives and uncovering aspects that might not surface in a group setting.

Key features of BERENT’s in-depth interview services include:

◦  Flexibility in Format: BERENT offers in-depth interviews conducted face-to-face or by telephone, or through video/audio conference calls, providing flexibility to accommodate diverse research needs and participant preferences.

◦ Consumer and Corporate Contexts: Our in-depth interviews extend across consumer contexts, where we explore the experiences and opinions of individuals, and high-level corporate contexts, where we engage in in-depth discussions with key stakeholders.

◦ Skilled Interviewers: BERENT’s experienced interviewers possess the skills necessary to create a comfortable and open environment, encouraging participants to share their insights.

Strategic Marketing Solutions

Our project managers and moderators specialise in marketing expertise, avoiding focusing on psychological aspects. This experience ensures a focus on action-oriented marketing research. All projects are designed with solid marketing recommendations in mind, sidestepping unnecessary emphasis on psychological methodological details and committing to providing clients with insights directly relevant to their business decisions.

Feel free to contact us to discuss how qualitative research can contribute to your organisation in uncovering valuable insights and helping make informed strategic decisions: info@berent.com.