
CATI, or Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing, stands as a pivotal component in BERENT’s research methodology.

This method is indispensable for projects requiring a personalised and direct approach, where engaging respondents through telephone interviews is essential. CATI’s operation involves the execution of questionnaires over telephone or video/audio conference calls.

Our skilled interviewers employ computer-assisted systems, that guide them through the interview process, recording responses in real-time. This allows our interviewers to seamlessly adapt to the means that are most convenient for respondents, whether through traditional telephone calls or engaging video calls, ensuring an effective and flexible data collection process.


CATI serves as a powerful tool, offering numerous advantages for diverse projects. It plays a crucial role in achieving national representative sampling, enabling us to capture a broad spectrum of perspectives. Moreover, CATI is instrumental in overcoming the challenges of reaching elusive respondent target groups, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive research approach.

One of CATI’s distinct advantages lies in its ability to conduct in-depth and extensive questionnaires. This makes it well-suited for projects that demand a nuanced understanding of respondent opinions and experiences. Additionally, CATI remains a preferred method for projects that necessitate a personalised touch and a direct engagement approach.

Our highly-experienced interviewers, proficient in more than 10 languages, can seamlessly and professionally conduct multilingual surveys, ensuring the success of CATI survey process.

CATI advantages: broad reach, engaging elusives, personal touch, flexibility, nuanced surveys.

Reliable and Versatile Solution

Whether it’s gathering detailed feedback, understanding consumer preferences, or conducting market research, CATI provides the flexibility and adaptability required for a wide range of research needs.

We have implemented a permanent quality control system for all CATI fieldwork, surpassing industry standards while strictly adhering to the highest privacy regulations. This ensures the reliability and precision of the data collected.

For organisations seeking a comprehensive and effective approach to telephone interviewing, CATI stands out as a reliable and versatile solution. To explore how CATI can elevate your research endeavors, feel free to contact us at info@berent.com.