BERENT offers CAWI-interviewing (computer assisted web interviewing) with sampling through:

  • BERENT’s business-to-consumer Access Panel
  • BERENT’s business-to-business database
  • With prior telephone recruiting (for example recruiting customers where only a telephone number is known)

Business-To-Consumer Access Panel

BERENT Access Panel is not just a “web panel” but a multi-contact-mode database of market research respondents, which allows us not only to conduct ad hoc CATI-interviews in very narrow target groups at a low price, but also allows us to invite respondents to participate in CAWI surveys.

The size and renewing of the Access Panel is directly related to our CATI-omnibuses, as all “recruiting” takes place in our nationally-representative CATI-omnibuses. We do not recruit respondents to the Access Panel using other methods (such as web recruiting, also consumers cannot register themselves to become member of BERENT Access Panel), because this will inevitably lead to double and fake identities, and consequently respondents participating in the same survey more than once.

We can contact all Access Panel respondents by telephone, partly postal, and respondents with Internet access can be invited to participated in CAWI surveys. Thus we can measure what part of the population is not reached as a consequence of choosing the CAWI mode.

BERENT Access Panel consists of more than 100,000 respondents in each of the Scandinavian countries. Each year about 25,000 new respondents are added or replacing older respondents.

BERENT well-maintained Access Panel has a response rate of over 52% for CAWI (and 96% for CATI). Of course the fieldwork period, the research subject, etc, have a bearing on the response rate. But because of the preciseness and our clean market research relationship to our Access Panel respondents through telephone calling, there is no getting away from the fact that we can manage surveys extraordinary effectively and clean.

The part of BERENT Access Panel which can be CAWI-interviewed has the typical over-representation of 25-44 years old:


Age groupNational representativeWeb-respondents

Other of BERENT in-house research instruments include:

  • CATI-interviewing (computer assisted telephone interviewing)
  • Paper-and-pencil surveys (with or without specialised automated scanner tool)
  • In-home face-to-face interviewing (with automated scanner questionnaires)
  • High street interviewing (with automated scanner questionnaires)
  • Focus groups
  • Depth interviews (by phone or face-to-face)

For more information on how BERENT can help your organisation conduct CAWI-surveys please contact us through